We are proud and excited to invite you to the launch of the BC Centre for Women in the Trades. Join the Honourable Melanie Mark, Minister of Advanced Education, Skills & Training, and the BCCWITT governance partners: BC Federation of Labour; BC Building Trades; BC LNG Alliance; Construction Labour Relations Association of BC; BC Tradeswomen Society, Build TogetHER for light refreshments June 28th, 2018 at 6:30 – 8:00pm IBEW 1424 Broadway St, Port Coquitlam.
Your RSVP is required by June 22nd [email protected]
The BC Centre for Women in the Trades will provide programs and services for women and industry to support the retention and advancement of women in the trades. The BCCWITT would like to thank the Government of Canada and the BC Government for their sponsorship of this program